Britt has created several materials on emotional intelligence.

Online Video Courses

Leading with Emotional Intelligence

Views: 1,006,551 in 145 countries (as of 1.21.2017)
Emotions are all around us in the office, and it's important for leaders to understand how to harness them to cultivate productivity and positive relationships. In this course, chief learning officer Britt Andreatta shows how to develop emotional intelligence to better lead teams, work with peers, and manage up.

Learn what emotional intelligence is and how it factors in at work and discover concrete techniques for raising your own emotional quotient (EQ). This includes perceiving yourself accurately, exercising emotional self-control, practicing resilience, and developing empathy. Then turn those lessons around to build your awareness of others and learn to inspire helpful communication and manage conflict. Sample videos below—view full course on or LinkedIn Learning.

“Absolutely wonderful class.  Great organization, well structured, perfect length, great information with implementable take aways. Excellent presenter!  Very well-spoken, easy-to-understand, thorough, and knowledgeable.”

“This is a really interesting course. I learned a great deal and had a few 'penny drop' moments when I could relate my own organizational experience to the subject matter, which has aided my learning.”

TEDx Talk

In this eye opening talk, How Your Past Hijacks Your Future, Dr. Britt Andreatta explores how our human wiring to survive and belong can hijack our success, both professionally and personally. A talk to share.

Get Britt’s tips and strategies to rise to your potential.
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